Destiny 2: Season of the Wish - Your Week 4 Seasonal Challenge Walkthrough

Mason Gonzalez


Destiny 2: Season of the Wish - Your Week 4 Seasonal Challenge Walkthrough

As we delve into Destiny 2's array of celebratory activities during the Dawning event’s second week, players have the chance to engage in delightful pursuits beyond the festive Starcat hunt and the quest for the new Wish-Keeper Exotic bow. If a more laid-back approach is your style, you can focus on ticking off several seasonal challenges.

This week offers a manageable list of objectives, highlighted by advancing the seasonal story, unearthing treasures in the seasonal pursuits, and embarking on the Starcrossed mission to secure the Wish-Keeper for your collection. Following that, you can participate in a Grandmaster Nightfall mission, engage in various ritual playlist activities, and best a collection of Vex to wrap up your week.

Moreover, Season 23 reintroduces Seasonal Bonuses, rewarding players with enticing perks as they navigate through an array of missions and activities.

Season of the Wish: Week 4 Challenges

 Challenges - Season of the Wish Week 4

Seekers of Fortune IV

- Proficiently progress through Week 4 of Wishing All the Best.
- Rewards: Challenger XP

Riven's Bounty

- Discover loot within the depths of Riven's Lair and The Coil.
- Rewards: Challenger XP

Adversaries of the Dragon: Vex

- Vanquish Vex throughout the solar system. Achieve faster progress by targeting them in Riven's Lair or The Coil. Additionally, smash pottery in The Coil.
- Rewards: Challenger XP

Triumph in Teamwork

- Accomplish tasks in Vanguard, Gambit, or Crucible playlists. Obtain bonus advancements for undertaking Vanguard playlist missions at Hero difficulty or beyond or for emerging victorious in Gambit or Crucible encounters.
- Rewards: Challenger XP, Bright Dust

The Grandmaster Test

- Complete any Nightfall strike at the Grandmaster difficulty level.
- Rewards: Challenger XP, Bright Dust

Season of the Wish: Previous Weeks Recap

Destiny 2 Season of the Wish Previous Weeks Recap

Week 1: The Season Commences

- Launch into the initial chapter of the seasonal story with Wishseeker I.
- Roam the Dreaming City and EDZ, engaging in public events, exploring Lost Sectors, and fulfilling bounties and patrols, all contributing to The City a Wish Built and EDZ Activities challenges.
- Equipping primary ammunition weapons, such as bows, hand cannons, pulse rifles, or auto rifles, during Vanguard activities will aid in completing the Focused Intention challenge.
- Delight in the Dragon's Breath rocket launcher if you're on the premium season pass track, making the Dragon's Defender an achievable goal.

Week 2: A Continuation of the Saga

- Dive deeper into the evolving seasonal narrative with Wishseeker II.
- Challenge the Taken across the system and disrupt champions to accumulate additional rewards.
- Utilize a Solar, Void, or Strand subclass to complete Inner Fires, and harness Solar damage in PvP to triumph in The Sun's Fire.
- Fine-tune your aim with marksman weapons for the Precision Calibration challenge—an effective strategy is to utilize the Exodus Garden 2A in the Cosmodrome as an enemy funnel.

Week 3: Unfolding Mysteries

- The story further unfolds in Wishseeker III, urging players to continue their journey.
- Obtain Arc, Solar, or Stasis eliminations for Elemental Extremes, with added progress for utilizing jolt, ignite, and shatter effects.
- Scorn enemies await your challenge in Foes of the Dragon: Scorn, especially within Riven's Lair and The Coil.
- Dragon's Defender III calls for vanquishing foes with Pulse or Fusion Rifles. Engender Orbs of Power in various playlists for Round and Round We Go and demonstrate your valor in the Trials of Osiris.

Unfolding Mysteries - Destiny 2 Season of the Wish

By providing this seamless compilation of challenges and rewards, Destiny 2's Season of the Wish sets the stage for weeks filled with strategic gameplay, collaborative victories, and the chance to claim powerful rewards. It's time to join the quest and shape your destiny!

Season of the Wish

Embark on a journey to gather a complete set of armor from the Season of the Wish, and you'll be met with the wonderful ability that allows you to direct your Wish engrams to transform into specific high-stat Season of the Wish armor pieces.

For those who amass any six weapons from the current season or the returning classics from the Season of the Undying, a delightful opportunity unfolds: you gain the power to focus Wish engrams into the precise Season of the Wish or reprised Undying arms you desire. But remember, you must have previously acquired the weapons to employ this focusing benefit.

As you navigate and conquer the paths within the Riven's Lair playlist or The Coil, you'll find that your weapon-engram-crafting prowess grows. You’ll be rewarded with a guarantee: the first weapon engram you hone each week at the HELM, guided by the Spirit of Riven, will assuredly be an unseen Deepsight Resonance weapon that's missing from your collection of patterns.

Season of the Wish of Destiny 2

To those who display their valor by felling Vex with weapons from the Undying series, the armory gates swing open to present yet another advantage. Your initial weekly focus of an Undying weapon engram under the Spirit of Riven's gaze will be sure to yield a novel Deepsight Resonance weapon, filling in the gaps of your armament blueprints.

Those who diligently advance their rapport with the Spirit of Riven in the HELM, achieving the enviable Rank 10, will encounter an outpouring of goodwill. From then on, every activity completion that would normally grant you a Wish engram will now bestow an additional one—doubling your earnings with every rewarded endeavor.

Furthermore, as you utilize Lair Keys when accessing Lair Chests within either Riven's Lair or The Coil, an opportunity emerges that may lead to a fortunate turn of events. With each Lair Key redemption during your Riven's Lair undertakings, fate might just favor you with an extra Wish engram.

Those who approach The Coil with skill and determination, securing a Silver ranking or higher in their endeavors, are in for a crafting treat. The inaugural weekly use of a Lair key there delivers more than just satisfaction; it also grants a coveted Season of the Wish weapon, complete with Deepsight Resonance, bound to be one you have yet to blueprint.

As for the mystical Blind Well in the Dreaming City, brave those depths evoke a Heroic resolution and be richly rewarded. The first climax of a Tier Three (or higher) Blind Well each week doesn’t just end triumphantly; it also yields a Wish engram, accompanied by the choice of either a piece of sumptuous high-stat Season of the Wish armor or a weapon from the Season of the Wish's fabled arsenal.
