Postal 3 Not Available on Steam Anymore

Mason Gonzalez


Postal 3 Not Available on Steam Anymore

If you want to play one of the arguably worst games ever, Postal III, you will have to search for alternative ways of obtaining it. The only platform that had the game officially, Steam, has recently removed it without explanation. Not that the fans are frustrated about it, yet the fact is still worth some discussion.
Well, the game is not among the highlights of the series, even given its thrashy approach in general. On Steam, the game scored low, with its reviews being “Mostly Negative”. On the other hand, Steam still hosts a lot of titles that weren’t accepted positively and doesn’t seem embarrassed with it. It’s too late to claim the game non-existent, as it has become a meme in its own right.
Another explanation might have something to do with the origins of the game. Running with Scissors, the developer of the original games, has trusted a Russian company Akella and its in-home studio Trashmasters with this game. The failure of the game then led to falling out with Akella, and the studios never collaborated again. But taking this as a part of sanctions against Russia seems laughable, given that Steam cut any royalties to Russian and Belorussian developers back in March.
As Running with Scissors states, the reason to delete the game was all about DRM. The players, according to RWS, could side-step the DRM, but while the game was only available on Steam and the page was controlled solely by Steam, there was no way to fix it. It’s not clear whether the game will make it back there. But, given that the creators really hold on to DRM, hardly will it appear, for example, on GOG.
What do you think about the disappearance of Postal III on Steam? Frankly speaking, will you miss it? Which Postal installment is your favorite? Let’s discuss this controversial but somehow appealing game series in the comments!

